Sunday, July 29, 2012

Morning Walk

I have a friend in Minnesota who is always curious and welcomes pictures of my life. This morning when I took my walk I decided to document the things I saw, just for fun. So I thought I would share it here, as well. There were 4 hot air balloons up this morning. I just used my iPhone, so I couldn't get great pictures, but they will do.


The first half of the walk was on the back roads behind our neighborhood. the latter half was on main street in Midway.










1 comment:

pattihatescancer said...

Oh wow! You live in a beautiful area! And where are the cars and people? I want to live there (except for that whole long winter thing).

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Webkinz Visit Sleepyhead

Chloe and I made this slide show one day when Spike was fast asleep. He didn't move a muscle as she placed her Webkinz, one after another, on top of him. Sorry it's a bit slow, it's the fastest I could get it to go. Enjoy!