13 years ago I couldn't have imagined my little baby would turn into a teenager overnight. Is he who I thought he would be? No. He is someone so much more interesting than I could have imagined. He has a sense of humor advanced beyond his years, he is one of the most stubborn and tenacious individuals I have ever known. He is affectionate and smart, silly, domineering and wonderfully creative.
Could I have imagined that little baby in my arms would have any faults? No.
I also couldn't have imagined that I would ever feel anger towards him, or that anyone in this world might reject him.
Life is full of lights and darks and every shade in between. My most constant prayer for all of my children is that people will come into their lives to make up for my shortcomings as a mother. While I want them to have everything they need emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc. I can't do it all for them. That's where I pray for God to fill in the gaps.
We have been blessed with our first born.
Fast forward to 13 years later....
Granny wanted to give Nathan a little family party to celebrate starting his teen years. It was fun and so nice to visit with my brother and his wife and granddaughter.
It was a "World of Warcraft" birthday. If you are reading this, then chances are you don't know about World of Warcraft and the Wrath of the Lichking. Otherwise, you would be playing that instead of reading blogs. It's a BIG DEAL at my house!
With all of the nice gifts that Nathan got, he also got quite a bit of cash. It's always the perfect gift, isn't it! :) Shortly after we got home from the party we made a trek to Toys R Us and went straight to the Lego aisle. You would think you might be able to buy a store full of Legos with $170; but guess again. Nathan had a blast checking out every aisle and making sure he was getting just what he wanted.
After Toys R Us the birthday ended with dinner at Fuddruckers. Gotta play some games before eating, don't you know.
Welcome teen years! Wake me when it's over!! :)
*Day 59: We have made it to two months! Still watching and waiting, but
it's OK to go sight-seeing alone.*
*And what do we find? One of our favorite t...
4 years ago
I can't believe this! Wow, thirteen. He is so cute and I just wish I could be around you guys and getting to know your kids and their different stages of growing up.
Oh my! Your very own teenager--and what a nifty one to have. Sounds like his birthday was a hit--look at all those gifts and a Toys R Us run--good times.
I really liked what you said about your prayer for God to fill in the gaps. I need that too!
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