Monday, August 27, 2007

A New Beginning

I watched Nathan ride off into his new beginning to Junior High School this morning. He was so excited. I on the other hand, woke up with a tension headache. I know I am more worried about this new school year than I realize. Lots of prayers going out this morning for my children and yours.

I wasn't able to get first day of school pictures for Beck and Chloe. You can imagine how that frustrates a scrapbooker like me! I searched and searched for my camera last night so that I could charge the batteries. But I could not find it for the life of me. I even accidentally woke up Chloe and asked her if she knew where it was. Nope.

This morning I saw her go upstairs for no apparent reason and low and behold, when she came down, there was my camera in her hand. Batteries dead as they could be. I was able to charge them enough to get Nathan's picture a little later.

So tomorrow we will "stage" a first day of school picture, but I will always know it wasn't actually the first day.

Beck and Chloe were both very excited to start their new school year. One of Beck's friends a block away is in his class this year. I hope that goes well for him.

More later as things develop.

The cleaning ladies are coming today and I may just go see a movie by myself while they clean.


1 comment:

Lacie said...

Oh- I hope you did go to the movie! How FUN! There are a couple of girly movies i would love to see!

I totally understand taking a picture after the fact. You want the picture...late is better then never...but YOU always know! Stick with the idea-late is better then never!

I hope all of your kids have a great first day of school. K. starts Pre-K (two days a week tomorrow!)

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Webkinz Visit Sleepyhead

Chloe and I made this slide show one day when Spike was fast asleep. He didn't move a muscle as she placed her Webkinz, one after another, on top of him. Sorry it's a bit slow, it's the fastest I could get it to go. Enjoy!